I’m a human, and second I’m a writer. Though on some days, I wish I was a tiny bird, a warbler-type that loves tricking birdwatchers. Sadly, I’m stuck in my human form, sitting by a window, hoping to see a Streamertail, a hummingbird from Jamaica.
Finding yourself in solitude is rewarding, especially when the world asks you to always be moving, and occasional tripping down a flight of stairs in order to make it to work on time.
My writing roots began in Queens, NY, working as a reporter in Latine neighborhoods. I have a BA in Journalism & Creative Writing from Baruch College (CUNY). I've lived and worked in polar opposite cities learning how humans are shaped by their social, historical, and ecological landscape.
I cover the outdoors, gender, culture, sometimes analyzing films, usually fem-horror. You can find my reported articles and essays in Yes! Magazine, HipLatina, Slay Away, Broad Street Review, and elsewhere. I also explore gender identity, female friendships, solitude within nature, and being a child immigrant in short stories and poems. Sometimes I dress up in character outfits, and perform improv and stand up when I’m feeling it.